Classical Cytogenetics of Pearl Danio, Danio albolineatus (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes): First Karyomorphological Report
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A cytogenetic analysis was carried out on specimens of Pearl Danio (Danio albolineatus) by classical technique. Mitotic chromosome preparation was prepared directly from kidney cells follow by standard protocol and stained by conventional staining and Ag-NOR banding techniques. The result show that diploid number (2n) of this species is 50 and the fundamental number (NF) is 100 in both male and female. The karyotype consisted of eight metacentric, 14 submetacentric and 28 acrocentric chromosomes classifying as 18 large and 32 medium. No heteromorphic sex chromosome was observed in this species. Nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) appeared in the terminal position of the long arms of chromosome pair 5. The Karyotype formula of D. albolineatus is 2n (50) = Lm4+ Lsm6+ La8+ Mm4+ Msm8+ Ma20
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