Bimetallic of Pd-CeOx/C Electrocatalyst for Electro-Oxidation Reaction of Xylitol Fuels in Alkaline Solutions
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The bimetallic palladium-cerium oxide on carbon support electrocatalyst (Pd-CeOx/C) was prepared by calcination the temperature at 200°C for electro-oxidation reaction of the xylitol solution of the anode electrode. The morphology of the composition and electrocatalytic properties were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX), respectively. The average particle size catalyst ca. 175.53±(13.70) nm with metals narrow distribution. The electrochemical surface area (ECSA) of the Pd-CeOx/C catalyst was more than the Pd/C catalyst. The electrochemical performance studied by cyclic voltammetry (cv) showed excellent catalytic activity of the Pd-CeOx /C catalysts. Then, the peak current density of the Pd-CeOx/C catalyst for xylitol fuel oxidation was ca. 1.67 at -0.09 V. The stability of the catalyst was investigated by chronoamperometry for 3600 s ca. 0.23 This catalyst may be used as an anodic catalyst effective for alkaline direct xylitol fuel cells (ADXFCs)
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