Quality of reduced-fat salad dressing containing purple passion fruit albedo powder
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Nowadays, transformation by-products from food industrials into food ingredients are receiving more attention because of decreasing waste and valorization of agricultural residues. The objective of this research was to study effect of purple passion fruit albedo powder on the quality of reduced-fat salad dressing, which the oil level was decreased about 30% from control. Albedo powder was added at 0, 0.3 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% to salad dressing. The results showed that increasing in the concentration of albedo powder increased the viscosity of salad dressing (p<0.05). The maximum content of albedo powder for improving the quality of salad dressing was 1.0% by weight of salad dressing. After storage for 4 weeks at room temperature (30±2ºC), the color and pH of salad dressing did not change (p≥0.05) and microorganism was not detected. The salad dressing had total phenolic content and antioxidant activity as 79.00±2.57 mg GAE/100g and 21.33±1.89%, respectively. Moreover, TBARs value of the salad dressing lower than control (p<0.05). This research demonstrated that purple passion fruit albedo powder could be used as a food ingredient for improving the viscosity and increasing the stability of reducted-fat salad dressing during storage.
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