Effects of Light-Emitting Diodes on Seed Germination and the Accumulation of Phenolic Content in Sprouts
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Light–emitting diodes (LEDs) are a new type of energy-saving light source with the potential to revolutionize horticultural lighting technology for crop production. They can induce the germination and synthesis of bioactive compounds, which may improve the nutritional values and antioxidant properties of sprouts. This study aimed to investigate the combination of red (630 nm) and blue light (470 nm) from LEDs, with different light intensities on seed germination and accumulation of antioxidants in sprouts. Rice, mungbean, sunflower and sesame seeds were germinated under a combination of red and blue LED lights (7:3) at three light intensities (420, 200 and 145 µmol/m2/s) using dark condition as control. The results revealed that germinated rice and sunflower seeds cultivated under the combination of red and blue LEDs at a light intensity of 145 µmol/m2/s showed the highest α–amylase activity and total phenolic content. In addition, a high germination percentage of these crops was found at light intensities of 200 and 145 µmol/m2/s. Therefore, the combination of LED light at an intensity of 145–200 µmol/m2/s could be used to improve the α–amylase activity and germination of seeds and total phenolic content in sprouts.
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