Infusion Starter Culture-Based as a Model for Pilot Scale of Bradyrhizobial Inoculant Production
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Bradyrhizobium is bacteria that benefits to legume plant under symbiosis condition. This process is widely recognized as biological nitrogen fixation. The objective of this study was to develop a simple technique with a low number of starter cell culture preparation for producing various types of high-quality bradyrhizobial inoculant. In this study, the starter culture of Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA110 was manually prepared to obtain the final cell concentrations starting from 10 to 106 CFU/unit. The lowest amount of cell that could be able to grow and increase the cell number in different types of inoculant was observed. It was found that the number of cells starting at the concentration of 10 CFU/unit could be able to grow and increase to more than 108 CFU/unit at 14, 21, and 14 days after inoculation (dai) in liquid-, peat-, and encapsulation-inoculants, respectively. Therefore, final cell suspension at the concentration of 10 CFU/unit was used in this study for inoculant production. The syringe- and peristaltic-pumps were incorporated with a model for pilot scale to create the micro-injection of starter culture at 10 cells/unit on different inoculant types. The results showed that all types of inoculants produced by this technique could maintain the shelf-life of inoculants for at least 3 months. This is the first demonstration of the diluent with a very low amount of starter culture. Thus, this process could be applied further for high-quality bradyrhizobial inoculant on large scale with low cost production.
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