Effects of Varieties and Environments on Quality and Antioxidants of Tomato
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Tomato is an abundant source of bioactive compounds including vitamin A, carotenoids, phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid. The antioxidant content in tomato is dependent on several factors including genetic and environments (temperature, light intensity and humidity). The aim of this study was to evaluate variations in the antioxidants of tomato varieties under different greenhouse conditions. Nine tomato varieties comprised of three cherry tomatoes and six non–cherry tomatoes were investigated for yield quality and antioxidant content under two greenhouse conditions i.e. evaporation greenhouse (E1) and uncontrollable condition greenhouse (E2). In each greenhouse condition, the experimental design was a RCBD with three replications. Data collection included fruit color index, total soluble solids (TSS), lycopene and antioxidant activity. The results showed that both genotypes (9 varieties) and environments were significantly affected all traits. TSS, lycopene and antioxidant activities of tomatoes grown under E1 was higher than E2. For genetic effects, it revealed that TSS of cherry was higher than non–cherry tomatoes. The highest lycopene contents in E1 and E2 environments were found in Loog Too (12.22 and 5.83 mg/100 g FW, respectively) and Ranger (13.11 and 4.38 mg/100 g FW). In addition, Sweet Cherry 154 and Sweet Boy had the highest antioxidant activities in E1 (74.58 and 76.36 µM TE/100g FW, respectively). Lycopene content had a positive correlation with fruit redness (a*) but had no significant correlation with antioxidant activity.
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