Prediction of Factors Affecting Consumer's Decision to Buy Products Via an Online Application
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At present, the advancement of technology makes e-commerce business in Thailand is growing steadily. The consumers can quickly and easily access the Internet at their fingertips. The business operators in various businesses see E-Commerce as the significant sales channel to reach consumers, especially E-Commerce through applications as it is easy to use, there are various payment systems, including a product management system and delivery to the destination and payment collection, which facilitates consumers to get convenience and confidence in the ordering system via online applications. The research aimed to study the prediction of factors affecting consumer's decision to buy products via an online application with having a marketing mix factor 7Ps as independent variables, namely, product, price, distribution channel, marketing promotion, technology acceptance, safety and reliability, and personal service. The dependent variable is the decision to make buying decision via online application by using factor analysis techniques and multiple regression analysis. The research results for the prediction of factors affecting consumer's decision to buy products via an online application by using the factors obtained from the classification from Factor Score analysis can be used in Multiple Regression Analysis with statistical significance at 0.05 level. There are 4 factors as follows: 1) Product, Distribution Channel and Technology Acceptance, 2) Safety and Reliability, 3) Price, Quality and Product Variety in Applications, as well as punctuality in product delivery 4) Public relations, communication with consumers and the reputation of the applications. The multiple regression model will be obtained as follows: buying decisions through online applications are as follow product, distribution channels and technology adoption = 1.68 + 0.027, product, distribution channel and technology acceptance + 0.032 safety and reliability + 0.036 price, quality and product variety in applications, as well as punctuality in product delivery + 0.047 public relations, communication with consumers and the reputation of the applications.
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