Development of Antigen Preparation for Detecting Chicken Antibodies Directed Against Salmonella Enteritidis by Using Rapid Slide Agglutination
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The aim of this study was to develop antigen preparation methods of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) for rapid slide agglutination test (RSA) and to compare the methods between SE formalin inactivation and SE alcohol inactivation. Three groups of serum samples were prepared, including group 1 60 serum samples originated from healthy SE-negative chickens, group 2 20 serum samples originated from chickens injected with SE killed antigen, and group 3 20 serum samples originated from chickens infected with SE (106 CFU/bird). The result showed that all 60 serum samples from group 1 were tested and negative (100%) for RSA with either SE formalin inactivated antigen or SE alcohol inactivated antigen. In group 2, all serum samples were positive (100%) for RSA with SE formalin inactivated antigen and 19 samples were positive (95%) for RSA with SE alcohol inactivated antigen. In group 3 19 serum samples were positive (95%) for RSA with SE formalin inactivated antigens and 16 serum samples were positive (80%) for RSA with SE alcohol inactivated antigen. Furthermore, for testing a cross reactivity with S. Typhimurium (ST), the serum samples originated from either chickens injected with killed ST antigen or infected with ST (106 CFU/bird) were tested RSA with the antigen prepared and the result found that all serum samples were reacted to RSA with SE formalin inactivated antigen lower than to RSA with SE alcohol inactivated antigen (p<0.05). Finally, serum samples originated from 3 chicken flocks raised commercially with healthy and SE infected conditions were tested RSA with the antigen prepared and gave specific results for both healthy and infected flocks. In conclusion, RSA with SE formalin-inactivated antigens gave better results than the test with SE alcohol-inactivated antigens and both SE antigens prepared could be practically used with RSA for detecting the serum samples originated from the SE infected chicken flock.
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