Isolation and Selection of Copper Bioleaching Bacteria and Optimization using Response Surface Methodology on Copper Recovery from Discarded Printed Circuit Boards
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Discarded printed circuit board (PCB) is classified as an electronic waste containing high amounts of heavy metals. These elements pose a threat to human health and the environment. However, at the same time, such metals can generate high return income. This study uses biological leaching technology to leach the copper out of the printed circuit board. The bacteria with copper leachate ability were isolated and selected from soil and sediment samples. The bacterium isolate FM-3 was found to have this ability. Based on the use of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, it was found that the bacterium was classified as Pseudomonas stutzeri strain FM-3. The optimum conditions were determined using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and the Box-Behnken Design experiment set was used to investigate the effects of three factors, including the pulp density, bacterial cell density and temperature. It was found that these three factors influence the optimum conditions for leaching of copper from printed circuit boards. The data of the experimental set were appropriate for predicting the optimum conditions for copper leaching because it gives a high coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.988).
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