The Role of Active Fe(III) Contents on Treatment Efficiency of Organic Carbon from Landfill Leachate
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The study of role of Active Fe(III) on landfill leachate organic carbon treatment efficiency, (LFLOCTE), in 4 replications, has been carried out a split plot experiment having 2 Main plots; Landfill leachate (LFL, W1) and Tap water (Blank, W2) and 4 Subplots. The 4 subplots were; Ratchaburi soil series (S1) and 3 artificial soils by coarse sand dilution at the ratio soil: sand; 3: 1 (S2), 2: 2 (S3) and 1: 3 (S4) so that the 4 soils would have 5,200 ppm Fe (S1), 3,900 ppm Fe (S2), 2,600 ppm Fe (S3) and 1,300 ppm Fe (S4) Active Fe(III) respectively. This was a saturation system of the water and soils incubated at room temperature for 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 weeks. The results of this study found that: (a) The 4 Active Fe(III) could efficiency treated the LFL in this saturation system having 192 ppm OC (S1), 153.6 ppm OC (S2), 115.2 ppm OC (S3) and 76.8 ppm OC (S4) which were 82.5%, 78.8%, 72.5% and 60.0% since the first week at in average increase rate 0.743 ± 0.158 %/wk in the normal treatment efficiency technique ; (b) Treatment efficiency (TE) evaluated by Blank Subtraction Technique the LFLOCTE rapidly increased to 100% within 4 weeks aging, with exception in the least Active Fe(III) soil (S4) and (c) The increase in soil Active Fe(III) increased LFLOCTE (%) highly significantly in all periods of saturation time. It could be recommended that the 1st week TE relationship was worth information for future LFL treatment system development because of its highest r value (0.965**) and the highest slope value which was 5.7 x 10-3 TE (%)/ppm Fe Active Fe(III).
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