Karyotype of Eye-Spotted Barb (Hampala dispar Smith, 1934) from Kom Ko Pond, Nong Khai Province
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Karyotype of eye-spotted barb (Hampala dispar Smith, 1934) at Kom Ko Pond, Nong Khai province, Thailand was investigated in this study. Mitotic chromosome was prepared directly from kidney of 5 male and 5 female specimens after in vivo colchicine treatment. The metaphase spreads were performed on microscopic slides and air-dried. Conventional staining technique was applied to stain the chromosomes with 20% Giemsa’s solution. The results showed that the number of diploid chromosome of eye-spotted barbwas 2n = 50, fundamental number (NF) was 84in both male and female. The types of chromosomes were4 large metacentric, 6 large submetacentric, 20 medium submetacentric, 4 large acrocentric, 10 medium acrocentric and 6 small telocentricchromosomes. The karyotypes are not different of sex chromosomes between male and female.The karyotype formula for the eye-spotted barbis as follows: 2n(50) =L4m + L6sm + M20sm + L4a + M10a + S6t
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