The Efficiency of Filter Media Used in Trickling Filter in Wastewater Treatment
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The objectives of this study were to determine the efficiency of three filter media (filter matte, bioball, and gravel) for Trickling Filter in the wastewater treatment and then to compare the flow rates of wastewater fed into the system. The results revealed that filter matte had efficiency higher than the bioball and gravel in wastewater treatment. The treatment efficiencies of filter matte for Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and Total kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN) were 91.7, 79.0, and 80.4%, respectively. However, the bioball showed the treatment efficiencies for COD, BOD, and TKN about 80.0, 23.8, and 72.9%,
respectively whereas gravel showed the treatment efficiencies for COD, BOD and TKN around 74.0, 19.5, and 67.2%, respectively. Then, the filter matte was applied into the system to compare the efficiency of wastewater treatment among three wastewater flow rates; low (2 L/hr), medium (4 L/hr), and high (8 L/hr). The medium flow rate had the highest treatment efficiencies for COD (91.7%), BOD (79.0%), and TKN (80.4%). The result also indicated that treated wastewater quality meet standard criteria of wastewater quality for household.
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