Red-Breasted Parakeet (Psittacula alexandri) Breeding Strategy in Captivity at Nakhon Ratchasima Zoo
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Breeding of red-breasted parakeet (Psittacula alexandri) in captivity was conducted at Nakhon Ratchasima Zoo during October 2008 and September 2009. Courtship behavior, mating behavior, laying egg, hatching, parent raising, growth and development of the newborn bird were investigated. Cock and hen breeders were weighed. Upper mandible length, tarsus length and wingspan were measured. The behavior of the experimental animals was also observed. The results showed that average body weight, upper mandible length, wing span length, and tarsus length of the cock and hen breeders were 121.75±8.13 g, 21.67±2.19 mm, 201.33±9.00mm, and 18.42±2.87 mm, respectively. Breeding season of P. alexandri appeared during October to May. They spent an average of 2.38±0.58 minutes per time of mating and the mating frequency of 2.58±1.44 times per day. The average egg weight of the bird was 10.00±0.08 g and its white elliptic-shape had an average measurement of 23.88±0.64 mm x 29.75±0.89 mm. Eggs were laid at 1-5 day intervals with the average clutch size of 3-4 eggs. An average incubation period was 24±3 days. The average of 79.16±4.16 % of the laid eggs was fertile and 100±0.00 % of the fertile eggs was hatched. The babies have full feathers and beak color as orange-red at about 50 days. They start flying at 55 days. They can eat by themselves around 70 days. With more than 70 days of age, their beak color will change to black. Sexing the birds by external characteristics can be done when the birds are 12 month old. 90.91 % of young birds survived until 12 month old.
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