Cyperaceae Along the Nature Trails in Nam Nao National Park
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A survey of the family Cyperaceae along the nature trails in Nam Nao National Park was studied between November 2007 and November 2008. Dried and living specimens were studied. Eight genera and 40 species were enumerated, Cyperus L. is the most common genus in the area with 11 species. The second is Carex L. with eight species. Whereas, Fuirena Rottb. and Lipocarpha R.Br. were found only one species in each genus, namely Fuirena umbellata Rottb. and Lipocarpha chinensis (Osbeck) Kern. Key to genera is provided.
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How to Cite
Meesawat, A. ., & Phromprasit, P. . (2013). Cyperaceae Along the Nature Trails in Nam Nao National Park. KKU Science Journal, 41(1), 134–143. retrieved from
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