A Study of the Operating Conditions on Vocational Education Development under Policy and Strategy of the Education Reform in Second Decade (2009-2018) of Schools under Office of the Vocational Education Commission
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the operating conditions of the vocational education development under the policy and strategy of the education reform in the second decade (2009-2018) of technical schools under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission and 2) to compare the operating conditions of the vocational education development under the policy and strategy of the education reform in the second decade (2009-2018) of technical schools under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission based on opinions of administrators and teachers in technical schools under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission, which were discriminated by positions, school sizes and work experiences. The population of this study was 19,491 administrators and teachers in technical colleges under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission. The research instrument, which was a Five-Point Likert Scale questionnaire constructed by the researcher, was then administered to 450 administrators and teachers who were the subject of this study. The data obtained were statistically analyzed by means of percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-Way Anova. Scheffe’s method was then performed to statistically test the pairwise comparison of the data.
The results of this study were as follows: (1) The level of the operating conditions of the vocational education development under the policy and strategy of the education reform in the second decade (2009-2018) of technical schools under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission in all four dimensions was at a high level (=3.80). The mean score ranging from the highest to the lowest were in the category of the efficiency development on administration and management (
=3.87), the improvement of the vocational management quality (
=3.85), the increase of learners in vocational area (
=3.76) and the optimization of the opportunities in vocational study and professional development (
=3.72) respectively. (2) The level of operating conditions of the vocational education development, when comparing, sorted by positions was significantly different at .05 level in all aspects which the level of administrator’s opinions (
=3.89) was higher than that of the teachers (
=3.71). (3) The level of operating conditions of the vocational education development, when comparing, sorted by school sizes was significantly different at .05 level in all aspects which the mean score of the large-sized (
= 4.01) was higher than that of the medium-sized (
=3.71). (4) The level of operating conditions of the vocational education development, when comparing, sorted by work experiences was significantly different at .05 level in all aspects.
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"The opinions and contents including the words in papers are responsibility by the authors."
"ข้อคิดเห็น เนื้อหา รวมทั้งการใช้ภาษาในบทความถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียน"
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