Exercise Behaviors of People in Public Parks in The Bangkok Metropolitan Area
Main Article Content
The purpose of this research were to study exercise behaviors and the factors promote and supporting the exercise behaviors of the people in the public parks in Bangkok metropolitan area. It also considered the guidelines for promoting of exercising in public parks. The sample for the study consisted of 1,119 persons from 20 public parks using accidental random sampling. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire with a reliability level of 0.95. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The result of the study showed that most of people who exercised were male 64.9 %, aged between 21-30 years old 29.80 %, holding under Bachelor’s Degree 67.8% and students 25.7%. The reson for exercising was not because of ill-health 90.30 %. Most of the respondent exercised more than three times a week 51.5%, in the evening after work 48.5, and spent more than 30 minutes 71.3% doing exercise activities. Furthermore, most people exercise until they were tired 64.30 % and chose running 48.80 %. The resons for exercising were to relax and for enjoyment 37.5%. The decision to do exercise was because respondents were pleased to do it 75.90 %. The place for regular exercise could be at a playgroud or a nearly park 68.9%, by oneself 39.7%. The factors in promoting exercise were found to be, in order, air conditioning available at the office which is very convenient (= 3.03); arrangements made by the office (
=2.99); and the promotional policy of the Ministry of Public Health (
=2.97). The supporting factors for =exercising were, in order, the family’s belies (
=3.69), following the acceptance of society (
=3.37), and the family’s budget (
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