Buddhist Based Learning Module for Organic Rice Farmer on Post Harvest Management

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มณฑา ชุ่มสุคนธ์
จุฬารัตน์ วัฒนะ
สมสุดา ผู้พัฒน์


The objectives of this research were to : 1) construct the Buddhist based learning module for organic rice farmer on Post Harvest Management and 2) compare learning outcomes of organic rice farmer group before and after using of the Buddhist based learning module for organic rice farmer on Post Harvest Management.

This research was One Group Pretest – Posttest Design. The samples were 23 voluntary organic  rice farmer members of organic farming enterprise community in Bann Tharae, Amphoe Agasamnuay Sakonnakorn.  The instruments for gathering data were: 1) the instrument for studying of the context and problem situations of the organic rice farmer group titled “Post Harvest Management” consisted of the interview form and the behavioral observation form. 2) the instrument for experimentation consisted 6 lesson plans based on Buddhism teaching method, and 3) the instrument for evaluating of learning outcomes of the organic rice farmer group consisted of the knowledge test, the process skill test and the opinion test titled “Post Harvest Management”. The analyzing statistics were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results of this research found that 1) The Buddhist based learning module for organic rice farmer on Post Harvest Management has six units and each unit consisted of objectives, contents and learning  activities based on four Buddhism teaching methods as follow: (1) San-Tad-Sa-Na, the clear explanation until one could understand, (2) Sa-Ma-Ta-Pa-Na, demonstration for viewing the truth as well as accepting and following it by practicing, (3) Sa-Moot-Ted-Cha-Na, stimulation to be enthusiastic by using situation facing, and (4) Sam-Pa-Hang-Sa-Na, the game playing activities were used for pleasure of practicing, and 2) The learning outcomes of organic rice farmer group after using of the Buddhist based learning module for organic rice farmer on Post Harvest Management were changed more than the learning outcomes before using of the learning module in term of the knowledge, the process skill and the opinion.

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How to Cite
ชุ่มสุคนธ์ ม., วัฒนะ จ., & ผู้พัฒน์ ส. (2014). Buddhist Based Learning Module for Organic Rice Farmer on Post Harvest Management. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 168–175. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/26448
Research Articles


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