Development of Web-Based Training Model : A Case Study of Oriental Flower Arrangement Horizontal Style in the Vocational Training Program

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ยุพวัลย์ ทองใบอ่อน
พนิต เข็มทอง
วรัทยา ธรรมกิตติภพ


The objectives of this research focus on development and efficiency of vocational training’s model via web-based training in a case study of the subject of Flower Arrangement in Oriental style. There are 2 steps in this research methodology. The first step is a surveying method in order to find the combination of web-based Vocational Training and to establish a model. Populaces are professionals in the field of Flower Anrrangements, Technology Education, three persons in each field. The tools for research are analytical table in steps of training program and analytical table of the elements of training. The second step is an experimental research, “One Short Case Study”.  Populace is qualified 22 persons who are interested in participating in the test. The Method used in this research is measuring form of identifying training effectiveness by measuring of knowledge and skill, and a satisfaction survey form.

The result of this research showed that the Web-Based Training Model for Vocational Training had 3 main steps and 12 sub stapes as the following 1)Steps of preparation in training 2)Steps of processing in training 3)Measuring efficiency 4)Qualification of participants in training 5)Specification objective 6)Specification of subject and step of training 7)Specification of media and media production 8)Choosing the technique for training 9)Readiness of technology and computer software 10)Creating webpage 11)Learning evaluation and skill development 12)Estimating in satisfaction  of training participants. From the effectiveness study of the training via website, we found that the participants had higher score after training. For the skill aspect, we also found that they had average score from observation at 11.54. The participants had high satisfaction in training via website.

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How to Cite
ทองใบอ่อน ย., เข็มทอง พ., & ธรรมกิตติภพ ว. (2014). Development of Web-Based Training Model : A Case Study of Oriental Flower Arrangement Horizontal Style in the Vocational Training Program. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 34–41. retrieved from
Research Articles


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