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Prachya Peasura
Nutthanun Moolsradoo
Suthiphong Sopha
Phonsak Lerthiranphanya
Peerapong Kasuriya


This research was to study the current situation and future expectations regarding the labors competency with bachelor's degrees in establishments in the automotive and automotive parts manufacturing industries. The gap between the competencies of labors was analyzed with current bachelor's degrees and the competencies of labors with bachelor's degrees that enterprises expect. Data was collected by questionnaire from 80 employees in the establishment, and automotive parts manufacturer No. 1 and No. 2. Employees are from 20 establishments including executive administrators at the department head level and above, engineers, and operator with at least 5 years of experience. Establishments that have signed a cooperation agreement to work integrated learning of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi in Bangkok and perimeter by purposive sampling. The research was found that the labors competencies who graduated with bachelor's degrees in today's establishment’s knowledge in performing one's work have the highest average of 3.720,  at the highest average of 3.800 for the area of skills and learning skills, and at the highest average of 4.080 for characteristics of social responsibility. The results of the gap analysis between the labors competencies with bachelor's degrees in today's establishments and the expectations regarding the labors competencies with bachelor's degrees in the future were found that the averages were different and statistically significant at the .05 level in all aspects. The results have the highest average expectation of 4.440, followed by skills with an average of 4.160 and knowledge with an average of 3.972, respectively.

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How to Cite
Peasura, P., Moolsradoo, N., Sopha, S., Lerthiranphanya, P., & Kasuriya, P. (2024). A STUDY OF THE CURRENT SITUATION AND FUTURE EXPECTATIONS REGARDING THE COMPETENCY OF LABORS WITH BACHELOR’S DEGREES IN ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Journal of Industrial Education, 23(2), 73–87. https://doi.org/10.55003/JIE.23210
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