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This research is to develop the problem-solving abilities of mathayomsuksa 4 students creatively through learning management by using scientific methods and gamification, resulting in increased student interest learning, enjoyment, learning participation, and better understanding of the lessons. The research was experimental research with a pre-experimental research approach and a one-shot case study design. The target group in this research was 38 students in mathayomsuksa 4/1 at the Demonstration School of Silpakorn University (Secondary) and they were selected by using purposive sampling, the study was conducted in the second semester of the 2018 academic year using unit 2 Spaghetti Tower. The research tools consisted of 1) the problem-solving ability assessment form 2) the creative work assessment form and 3) the students’ satisfaction questionnaire and assess the quality assessment by experts. The data collected was analyzed by using descriptive statistics used in this research including percentage, mean (𝑥̅), and standard deviation (SD). The results were as follows. Firstly, the instruction via scientific methods and gamification consists of five steps that are 1.1) identifying the problem 1.2) formulating hypotheses 1.3) designing tests for the hypotheses 1.4) collecting data and 1.5) drawing conclusions. Secondly, the improvements of problem-solving ability and creative work among mathayomsuksa 4 students are that 2.1) the problem-solving ability of the students were at excellent level 2.2) the creative work of the students were mostly excellent and 2.3) the satisfaction level of the students on the improvement of their problem-solving ability when being instructed via scientific methods and gamification was at the highest level.
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