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The automotive manufacturing industry is important for the country's economic development. The use of information technology for entrepreneurs’ management in the automotive manufacturing industry will be a guideline for upgrading the Thai industry to Thailand 4.0 to meet customer needs in production processes, linking raw materials from manufacturers and customer orders, and leading to international excellence. To successfully manage the automotive parts industry, the chief executive officers have to develop information technology for systematic data collection all inside and outside the organization including effective data processing to support operations and management decisions to achieve maximum efficiency, analyze problems for control and solving, enhance competitiveness, and create an organization of excellence from information technology for management. According to the direction of the world's modern automotive industry development, there is competition for effective technology development around the world including cost reduction in the automotive industry. The development needs to innovate information technology for entrepreneurs’ management in the automotive manufacturing industry to complete internationally and transform Thailand's automotive industry into a global automotive industry in the future.
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