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Chidchanok Boondech
Wanintorn Poonpaiboonpipat


The purpose of this research was to study the visualization ability on geometry for grade 6 students after learning through activities based on Social constructivism combine with Google SketchUp on geometry. The participants of this research were 26 students at a medium sized schools in Uttaradit Province. This study conducted in the second semester of the academic year 2020. The research instruments were four lesson plans, worksheets, and mathematical visualization ability test. Data were analyzed by content analysis in four levels which were level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4.

The results showed that most of students were in level 4 for 95 percent, meaning that students can think and analyze the various geometric figures in their thoughts or can imagine when they changed the positions or different views. Moreover, they can draw the contour or the base and the forward face of the three-dimensional geometric figure and entirely identify the three-dimensional geometry

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How to Cite
Boondech, C., & Poonpaiboonpipat, W. (2021). LEARNING ACTIVITIES BASED ON SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM AND USING GOOGLE SKETCHUP TO ENHANCE MATHEMATICAL VISUALIZATION ABILITIES ON GEOMETRY FOR GRADE 6 STUDENTS. Journal of Industrial Education, 20(2), 33–44. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/244394
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