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Arnut Siripithakul


Applying design principles to shoe sketching, it shows a pattern for designing and developing shoes. From the basis of product design, it relates to the marketing and ergonomics of the human foot which corresponds to the style of each shoe type. The shoe marketing focuses on finding the information from the target group to use for shoe development. Human foot ergonomics is the study of foot shape and foot movements from various perspectives which are used in shoe design and development, process of shoe design, and the product development. The presentation on the design of production is the final stage of product development before the product is manufactured. As the research result, the design principles for shoe production are shoe marketing, shoe sketching, human foot ergonomics, and shoe prototype for production.


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How to Cite
Siripithakul, A. (2021). DESIGN PRINCIPLES INTO THE VISUALIZATION OF FOOTWEAR FOR DESGINERS. Journal of Industrial Education, 20(2), C11-C22. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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