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Pratoomporn Anusith
Somkiat Tuntiwongwanich
Thiyaporn Kantathanawat


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop learning management plan using creativity-based learning on pen tool group and image drafting with quality and efficiency; 2) to develop an e-learning courseware on pen tool group and image drafting with quality and efficiency; and 3) to compare skill achievement on pen tool group and image drafting for the first year vocational certificate students who were learning with creativity-based learning management method together with e-learning and students who were learning with normal learning management method. The samples were the first year vocational certificate students in Business Computer Department of Chachoengsao Vocational College. The sample were selected using cluster sampling techniques. The research instruments include 1) the creative learning management plan using creativity-based learning method; 2) the e-learning on pen tool group and image drafting; and 3) the skill achievement test.

The results revealed as followed 1) the creative learning management plan has a very good quality (mean values = 4.55, standard deviation values = 0.35); 2) the efficiency of creative learning management plan (E1/E2) has 78.52/81.07; 3) the e-learning content has a very good quality (mean values = 4.64, standard deviation values = 0.33) and the technical media production also has a very good quality (mean values = 4.67, standard deviation values = 0.41); 4) the efficiency of e-learning (E1/E2) is 78.15/82.22; and 5) the skill achievement of students learning with creativity-based learning management method together with e-learning is significantly higher than students learning with normal learning management method at .05 levels.

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How to Cite
Anusith, P., Tuntiwongwanich, S., & Kantathanawat, T. (2021). THE EFFECT OF CREATIVITY-BASED LEARNING WITH E-LEARINING ON PEN TOOL GROUP AND IMAGE DRAFTING FOR THE CERTIFICATE LEVEL. Journal of Industrial Education, 20(1), 19–29. retrieved from
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