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The objective of this research was 1) to develop the problem-based learning plan together with e-learning 2) to develop the quality and efficiency e-learning for the secondary education grade 7 students on Scratch programming. The research samples consist of six specialists in determining the content validity and the quality of learning management plan, and 12 specialists in determining the content validity and the quality of e-learning in the aspects of content and multi-media technology. The sample group of students to find e-learning effectiveness of 45 people. The research instruments are (1) the problem-based learning management plan on Scratch programming for the secondary education grade 7 Level, (2) the quality assessment form for the problem-based learning management plan on Scratch programming, (3) e-learning on Scratch programming, and (4) quality assessment form for e-learning on Scratch programming. The finding of the research results indicated that: 1) the quality of problem-based learning management plan on Scratch programming for secondary education grade 7 was in very good level (= 4.56, S.D. = 0.09), and 2) the quality of e-learning on Scratch programming in overview in the aspects of content and multi-media technology was in very good level (
= 4.77, S.D. = 0.05,
= 4.67, S.D. = 0.13, and
= 4.87, S.D. = 0.02), which was higher than the specified criteria 87.37/81.33.
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