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The purposes of this research were to develop web-based instruction using inquiry-based learning on information management for grade 7 students., and to compare the learning achievement of grade 7 students between those given the web-based learning as a treatment and those with conventional learning conducted in a traditional classroom. The sample used in the study, obtained by means of cluster random sampling, were a total number of 120 students in grade 7 at Mattayomwatnongchok School, which were assigned into three groups, comprising 40 students each. The research instruments consisted of web-based instruction using inquiry-based learning on information management, the evaluation form of the development of web-based instruction using inquiry-based learning, and achievement test with the item objective congruence index (IOC) between 0.67-1.00, difficulty index between 0.30-0.75, discrimination between 0.20-0.50, and reliability index (KR-20) at 0.79. The statistics used for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and two independent sample t-test was statistically performed to test a hypothesis.
The results of the research showed that the overall score of web-based instruction using inquiry- based learning on information management was at a very good level ( = 4.59, S = 0.50). The content quality of the media was at a very good level (
= 4.74, S = 0.44). In the aspect of media production, the media were good in quality (
= 4.42, S = 0.49) with the efficiency E1/E2 equal to 88.53/82.81, which was in accordance with the criteria 80/80. Also, the students learning through web-based instruction using inquiry-based learning had higher learning achievement than the other group, with the significant difference at the level at .05.
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