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Khanet Khumkongsuwan
Sukanya Hajisalah
Anek Janjaroon
Atchariya Watthanawisut


The purpose of this study was to study students' proof abilities in parallel-lines topics after teaching by using The Constructivist Learning Model (CLM). The target group was 40 Matthayomsuksa II students chosen by the cluster sampling process from the second semester of academic year 2019 of Sri Ayudhya School under the Royal Patronage of H.R.H. Princess Bejraratanarajsuda, Bangkok. Each classroom was arranged by combining students' abilities levels, which were good, medium, and weak grades. The experimental instruments were 10 lesson plans in parallel-lines topics, and tests of proof abilities in parallel-lines topics. The duration of the study took 10 periods, 50 minutes each for teaching. After being taught by using The Constructivist Learning Model (CLM), the researcher took 1 period to test the proof abilities in parallel-lines topics of students. The data obtained was analyzed by using basic statistics, and Z-test for population proportion.

     The research revealed that students' proof abilities in parallel-lines topics after teaching by using The Constructivist Learning Model (CLM) passed the criteria of 60 percent of all students with statistical significance at the level of .05.

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How to Cite
Khumkongsuwan, K. ., Hajisalah, S. ., Janjaroon, A. . ., & Watthanawisut, A. . (2020). A STUDY OF MATTHAYOMSUKSA II STUDENTS’ PROOF ABILITIES IN PARALLEL-LINES TOPICS VIA THE CONSTRUCTIVIST LEARNING MODEL (CLM). Journal of Industrial Education, 19(2), 50–59. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/240523
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