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Worawan Thongsuk


Cannabis and Cannabis education become widely interesting in Thailand nowadays. Government of Thailand has a strategy to focus on national development with a bio-based economy. Growing marijuana (cannabis) is therefore considered as a field of agriculture which is relevant to a modern agriculture. When we mention about agriculture inevitably plays an important role in solving the economic of human by food producing from natural resources such as soil, water, air and sunlight to the world. The role is related to agricultural education with morality. With morality as a matter of goodness, a good agricultural education must be responsible for the natural environment and the quality of the production that goes to consumers. If agriculture is lacking morality, unethical, unselfish, unilateral, with the wrong production process will affect human, ethics and sustainability of natural resources.

      This article aims to provide knowledge about cannabis and appropriated ethical goals of agricultural education. To create principles of moral and agricultural thinking including knowledge about cannabis law and regulations.  Government agencies, Private sector of educational institutions, students, youth and general public should be aware of the study of production, processing, distribution and the effect of cannabis in accordance with agricultural education ethics. To analyze the importance of moral agriculture that has occurred in Thailand lead to proposals to be a guideline of moral in agriculture education.

      The first part of this article presents in general knowledge of cannabis, law & regulations, the production of cannabis by growing, processing, extracting and distributing. The second part of this article discusses agricultural education. Cannabis and Agriculture Education including ethic and social responsibility moral agriculture. The last part of this article suggests how Cannabis and agriculture education in ethic look like also reiterate to readers for awareness of ethic in agricultural education.


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How to Cite
Thongsuk, W. . (2020). CANNABIS AND AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. Journal of Industrial Education, 19(1), 144–154. retrieved from
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