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Nuanwan Tuaycharoen


There are two main objectives of this study. The first objective is to investigate small-source glare formulae for Thai elderly. The second objective is to investigate limiting glare index for small source for Thai elderly in areas of residential building. There were two main studies for this purposes.  To investigate the small-source glare formulae for Thai elderly, the first study was conducted in a laboratory room at Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University, Thailand. To explore limiting glare index for Thai elderly in residential building, the second study was a field survey of 7 areas in 9 nursing homes in Thailand. Results of this study purposed the small-source glare formulae for Thai elderly. The results also suggested limiting glare indices for Thai elderly for particular areas in residential building. In overall, it was found that limiting glare indices (Limiting UGRa) for Thai elderly were lower than limiting UGR values from international standards around 1-7 units.

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How to Cite
Tuaycharoen, N. (2020). SMALL-SOURCE GLARE FOR THAI ELDERLY. Journal of Industrial Education, 18(3), 264–271. retrieved from
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