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The purpose of this research was 1) to Development of web-based instruction with jigsaw technic on the astronomy and space for grade 4 students with the quality performance according to criteria 80: 80; and 2) to compare learning achievement of pretest and post test with the learning lessons on web-based instruction with jigsaw technic on the astronomy and space. The sample group were 30 students in grade 4 of Ban Mae Sa School, 1st semester, academic year 2019, by using the cluster random sampling method. The instruments used in the research were the web – based instruction on astronomy and space by using the jigsaw technique, quality assessment form of the learning web-based instruction with jigsaw technic on the astronomy and space , and learning achievement assessment test. The index of congruence were between 0.67 - 1.00. The difficulty were between 0.20 - 0.80. The discriminating power were between 0.27 -0.60 and the reliability is 0.80. The statistics used for data analysis are mean, standard deviation and t-test for dependent samples. The result of the research showed that 1) the learning lessons on astronomy and space on the web-based instruction with jigsaw technic on the astronomy and space for students in grade 4 in overall picture in the term of the content were at very good level ( = 4.50, S=0.35) and the quality of the media production technique was at good level (
= 4.27, S = 0.47); 2) the learning lessons on the web-based was effective at 89.85 / 85.70 which meets the 80 / 80 criteria; 3) the learning achievement of the student, after studying with the learning lessons on web-based instruction with jigsaw technic on the astronomy and space , was higher than the pretest with statistical significance at the level of 0.05.
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"ข้อคิดเห็น เนื้อหา รวมทั้งการใช้ภาษาในบทความถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียน"
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