A Model of Educational Administration with Community Participation of the Health Promoting schools under Local Administration Organization Prachaup Khiri khan Province

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วิรัตน์ มณีพฤกษ์
พูลทรัพย์ นาคนาคา


The purpose of this study were to examine the proceedings, factors,  administration processes and performances of Health Promoting Schools and to develop an educational administration  model with community participation for Health Promoting Schools under Local Administration Organization in Prachaup Khiri khan province, Thailand. The population of the study included 11 schools under the administration of Local Administration Organization in Prachaup Khiri khan province, and 5 schools were selected by simple random sampling method as the samples for the study. The research instruments included a questionnaire, in-depth interview, and focus group interview. The questionnaire was responded by 25 teachers, 100 students, and 15 school committee members. The in-depth interview was conducted with 7 school administrators, 9 heads of Local Administration Organization, and 8 public health officials. The focus group interview was conducted with 4 school administrators, 3 heads of Local Administration Organization, 4 public health officials, and 2 school committee members. In particular, a total number of 177 respondents were selected by purposive sampling method.

The results of the study showed that 1) management of the Health Promoting schools was generally in correspondence with the policy assigned by the Local Administration Organization 2) a model of educational administration with community participation in the Health Promoting Schools under the Local Administration Organization was developed using FS-POSDCORB strategy. In particular, Factor (F) entailed policies, management, human resources, premises and environment, and communities and organizations. Strategy (S) entailed planning, participation, project, curriculum development, organization and human resource development, motivation development, evaluation, and promotion. The process entailed Planning (P), Organizing (O), Staffing (S), Directing (D), Coordinating (CO), Reporting (R), and Budgeting (B). The strategy was generally in correspondence with Gulick and Urwick model. In addition, results of the focus group interview revealed that the model was generally efficient, practical, and suitable for the application in Health Promoting Schools.

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How to Cite
มณีพฤกษ์ ว., & นาคนาคา พ. (2014). A Model of Educational Administration with Community Participation of the Health Promoting schools under Local Administration Organization Prachaup Khiri khan Province. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(1), 139–145. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/173217
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