Study Factors for Principle of Design of Environment Friendly Food Packaging Product

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คณิต อยู่สมบูรณ์
ทรงวุฒิ เอกวุฒิวงศา
อุดมศักดิ์ สาริบุตร


This research is a study for the environment friendly food packaging products. The Objectives of this research are; 1) Study the factors of an environment friendly food packaging product and this idea can be divided into two factors. Factor one, the theory of designing the environment friendly food packaging products. Plus factor two, the behavior of the using the food packaging products. 2) Design the environment friendly food packaging products bases on the first factor and the tools to be used in this study are; first, a questionnaire on the environment friendly food packaging products. Second, the data on consumer’s behavior. Third, conceptualize the matching between sketch design and the designing factor on the environment friendly food packaging products. Then, an assessment reviews on the environment friendly food packaging products, the assessment reviews is the form of percentage and standard. This research states that

1) There are ten factors in designing the environment friendly food packaging products and they are, 1) safety discarded 2) packaging with division 3) cut down on the pigment usage 4) cut down on the unnecessary materials 5) light weight 6) recyclable 7) degradable overtime 8) cut down on types of materials 9) substitute materials that are environmental friendly and 10) label that are environmental friendly.

2) The factor in food packaging are, dishes and plate and plate 64%, bowl 36%, small cut and bowl 56% fork and spoon 69% chop sticks 41%. Dominated hand is right-hand 52% carrying the plate and sit down to eat 55%. The average of space that food touch the plates and dishes are 2.5 centimeters wide and 10.7 centimeters long. The underneath of the average plates and dishes are 13.3 centimeters wide and 14.7 centimeters long.

3) The probable in designing the environment friendly food packaging products based on the studied factor is 1) out of three bowls the bowl number 1 has the high score ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.28, S.D. =3.9) 2) out of three dishes the dishes number 3 has the high score ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.05, S.D.= 0.35) The prominent features in this research are, first, the design that is based on the green idea. After that, it has to correspond with all the function that the consumers need such as, the sauce bowl, the utensils rest. Lastly, the economics, which is the relationship between the consumer’s hand and the products themselves.

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How to Cite
อยู่สมบูรณ์ ค., เอกวุฒิวงศา ท., & สาริบุตร อ. (2015). Study Factors for Principle of Design of Environment Friendly Food Packaging Product. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(3), 328–335. Retrieved from
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