Main Article Content
This research aims to 1) promote local community participation; 2) prepare a tourism guidebook, “Sticky Rice Kitchen of Isan in Lanna”, with the development guidelines for promoting tourism in the study area in the near future; and 3) bring about body of knowledge provided to the locals and educational institutes. Research tools and samples consisted of participatory meetings with heads of communities to collect data needed for supporting ecotourism in form of a tourism guidebook, which had been tried out beforehand. It was found that after the research project was done, people have been paying more attention to the community by participating in activities via community-based tourism and, moreover, cooperating in spreading bodies of knowledge, which are helpful to the locals and educational institutes. In addition, the guidebooks which were provided can stimulate tourism, with conservation to raise awareness. It was found that the satisfactory level towards the design and layout was rated as good ( =4.30, S.D =0.42), and so was the information ( =4.15, S.D =0.23). The satisfactory level towards the size, clarity, and maps was also good (
=4.24, S.D =0.15), like that of impression towards attractions (
=4.40, S.D =0.05). In short, the overall satisfactory level was 4.27, which was considered good (
=4.40, S.D =0.05).
Article Details
"The opinions and contents including the words in papers are responsibility by the authors."
"ข้อคิดเห็น เนื้อหา รวมทั้งการใช้ภาษาในบทความถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียน"
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