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This research was the results of powder leather materials to produce composites for prototyping industrial products. The purposes of this research were 1) to determine the ratio of leather powder with a binder to create products composite 2) to evaluate product performance composites. The threshold test standard JIS A 5908-1994. 3) to evaluate the satisfaction of the participants trained in the use of scrap leather and composites. The population attending the training group is a second year student in the Bachelor of Design. King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology LatKrabang 30 people. Group of citizens interested in the LatKrabang 10 people. And entrepreneurs about the fiberglass resin 5 people. Analyzed using descriptive statistics mean ( ) and standard deviation. (S.D.)
The results showed that: 1) the ratio of the powder leather with a binder to create a composite product is a powder leather with a binder ratio of 1:10 by weighing 2) product performance composites. Features all the properties of composites meet all the criteria tested according to JIS A 5908-1994 3) the satisfaction of trainees. Students In most ( = 4.51 S.D = 0.49) results public. Are moderate (
= 3.49 S.D = 0.46) and an assessment of the operator. Very satisfied (
=3.60 S.D.= 0.44).
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