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ณัฐภัทร แก้วรัตนภัทร์
ปณิตา วรรณพิรุณ


This article presents an intelligent student relationship management model (i-SRM) that result from the synthesis of four customer relationship management models as IDIC Model, CRM Value Chain, The Gartner’s Competency Model: Eight Building Blocks of CRM and DEAR Model. The model has been adapted to the context of student relationship management, and integrate intelligent technologies such as data warehousing, conversational user interface (CUI), multi-agent system, machine learning and web services technology. The model can be applied to the context of each institution and student will gain experience from the intelligent student relationship management system as well as the satisfaction of teaching, learning, living in education and student loyalty. When graduated, the graduates still have the feeling of commitment and would like to participate in the development of institutions, resulting in a cycle of quality education development that affects the stability of the institution budget, quality of instruction and student retention rates that leads to sustainable development of the country.

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แก้วรัตนภัทร์ ณ., & วรรณพิรุณ ป. (2018). INTELLIGENT STUDENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT MODEL. Journal of Industrial Education, 17(1), 222–230. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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