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ชัชวาล อรวงศ์ศุภทัต
ศรัณย์ พิมพ์ทอง


This research article aimed to validate factors effecting to organizational loyalty and to analyze of  telecom engineers in Thai Telecommunication Public Enterprise. Research sample consisted of 527 Gen Y telecom engineers with the multi-stage sampling method. The data were analyzed by 6-item Likert scale with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient between 0.83 to 0.95. The second order confirmatory factor analysis result revealed that the adjusted causal model was consistent with the empirical data with x2 = 112.94, df = 94,  p-value = 0.089 (x2 /df = 1.201), GFI = 0.94, AGFI = 0.94, CFI = 1.00, SRMR = 0.021 and RMSEA = 0.020,  all factor loading were found positive with statistically significant at level 0.01. The For individual-level factors were found that job satisfaction and psychological empowerment were both affect directly to organizational loyalty. Psychological empowerment was also affect indirectly to organizational loyalty.For the organizational-level factors were found that perceived organizational support and human resource management practices were also  affect directly to organizational loyalty, while supervisory trust had no both direct and indirect effect to organizational loyalty.

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How to Cite
อรวงศ์ศุภทัต ช., & พิมพ์ทอง ศ. (2018). CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP OF ORGANIZATIONAL LOYALTY OF GEN Y ENGINEER IN THAI TELECOMMUNICATION PUBLIC ENTERPRISE. Journal of Industrial Education, 17(1), 120–128. retrieved from
Research Articles


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