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ศิรินทร มีขอบทอง
มารุต พัฒผล
วิชัย วงษ์ใหญ่
จิตรา ดุษฎีเมธา


This research is purposed to develop Competencies Based Training (CBT) to promote capability of a novel Startup of undergraduates in Private University. The sample in this study was a group of 30 third-year students from Entrepreneurs College of The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. The research is divided into 3 phases. In the first phase, it develops the competencies in business management of the Startup. The second phase was a development of a short course training. The third phase is to evaluate the effectiveness and improve the short course training. The evaluation is conducted based on the objectives of each learning unit utilizing the mean of GPA at 3.00 from the full score of 5.00. T-test dependent sample is used to compare the different evaluation results between the pre-course and post-course.

The results in the first phase, found that 6 competencies of the Startup includes 1) Creative and innovative business design 2) Appropriate marketing strategy 3) Pitching concept business Startup and confidently 4) Dare to think and dare to decide. 5) Used innovation and technology. 6) Build a team and network. The second phase, found that the short course training was developed with a theoretical concept of competency based training based on action learning and work based learning.The third phase, found that the participants have learning outcomes based on the purpose of the 4 units of learning in the average score of 3.00 and above and the average score of the posttest was higher than the pretest, statistically significant at 0.05.

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How to Cite
มีขอบทอง ศ., พัฒผล ม., วงษ์ใหญ่ ว., & ดุษฎีเมธา จ. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPETENCIES BASED TRAINING FOR DEVELOPING STARTUP COMPETENCIES AMONG UNDERGRADUATES IN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES. Journal of Industrial Education, 17(1), 61–68. retrieved from
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