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ดารณี ธนวัฒน์
เกษร ธิตะจารี


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop activities for Learning Disability children, 2) to evaluate art activities for Learning Disabilities children, 3) to study satisfaction of art teachers and Learning Disabilities children’s parents with art activities. The sample group for this research were Learning Disabilities children which age between 8 to 12 years old by using the purposive sampling 17 people, art teachers who teach those art activities and Learning Disabilities’ parents in order to compare the growth development on intelligence, emotion, social, body, sense, aesthetics and creation which occur from operation research for Learning Disabilities children on art activities.The sample group must passed all 4 art activities which included 1) drawing and painting activity, 2) claying and molding activity 3) printmaking activity and 4) creation and invention activity.

According to the result of this research, showed  development of activities for Learning Disabilities children (Victor Lowenfeld’s theory about growth development), that the sample group who passed all art activities had growth development in higher score at the statistical significant level of 0.05 which accorded to the research proposal. The evaluation of art activities for children with Learning Disabilities found that a significant difference between before studying art with an average development rate of growth at a moderate level and after studying art with an average development rate of growth at a high level. Measuring the level of satisfaction of the group sample on developed art activities has satisfaction rating in high level.

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How to Cite
ธนวัฒน์ ด., & ธิตะจารี เ. (2016). DEVELOPMENT ART ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(2), 33–40. retrieved from
Research Articles


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