A Study of the Development of Elementary Student Characteristics for Entry to the Asean Community

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กัญณภัทร หุ่นสุวรรณ
บุญเรือง ศรีเหรัญ
ชาตรี เกิดธรรม


The research was experimental research. The aims were 1) to study factor, to develop the model of Learning activities and to study the result of the model of Learning activities to develop the elementary students characteristics for entry to Asian Community. The research procedure consisted of 3 phases as follows; phase 1 : to study factor of the elementary students characteristics. The samples of this researchconsisted of 1,503 Prathomsuksa six students and were studying in the first semester of the academic year 2013 by multistage random sampling. The instrument of research was the test of the elementary students characteristics. Phase2 : to develop the model of Learning activities.The tool was examined by five experts and the result found that the appropriate model was good level. Phase 3 : to study the result of the model of Learning activities. The research model was carried out by the time-series design. The samples of this research were 60 Prathomsuksa six students during the second semester of the academic year 2013 of Lamnarai school in Lopburi province by multi-stage random sampling and simple random sampling for divide into control group of 30 students and experiment group of 30 students. The period of study lasted 8 weeks. The instruments of research were the test of elementary students characteristics and behaviors observation form. The statistics for data analysis were Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient and exploratory factor analysis by using Lisrel Version 9.10 with activation code : B723-95AF-55E7E-5E23 and mean, standard deviation and Repeated Measures One-Way ANOVA.

The results were as follows :

1. The elementary students characteristics for entry to Asian Community were composed of 4 factors as follows : knowledge, process skill, the future skill and the life characteristics.

2. The model of Learning activities to develop the elementary students characteristicsof composed of 4 factors as follows : 1) The theory/principle/concept of model 2) The objectives of model 3) The step of Learning activities contained 7 sequential steps ; 1. Awareness 2. Model Learning 3. Consider practice 4. Planning 5. Implementation 6. Permanent behaviour and 7. Reverse data 4) Measurement and evaluation of model.

3. the students learned by this model of Learning activities to develop the elementary students characteristics had higher in students characteristics than the students learned by the traditional approach and the students characteristics were permanent behavior at .05 level, including the students characteristics behavior had higher than before the experiment at .05 level.

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How to Cite
หุ่นสุวรรณ ก., ศรีเหรัญ บ., & เกิดธรรม ช. (2014). A Study of the Development of Elementary Student Characteristics for Entry to the Asean Community. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(3), 99–105. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/126777
Research Articles


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