Development process to produce wood substitute materials free working From vetiver grass with plastic litter applying in design products
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The research and the development focus on process to produce wood substitute materials free working from Vetiver grass emphasizing on applying local technology with production process. Moreover, the group sampling was the agriculturists who cultivate Vetiver grass in Huainamsai village, Sanam Chaikate District, Chachoengsao province in A.D. 2011-2013.
This research has objectives to study as follow: 1) Studying properties and quantities of Vetiver grass 2) Developing production process and Vetiver transforming steps with plastic litter 3) Designing decorating house products with wood substitute from new developed Vetiver grass 4) Taking assessment satisfaction from Vetiver grass agriculturist group about new developed production process.
Besides, this research is the experimental one emphasizing on development process to produce wood substitute materials from Vetiver grass with litter by applying research tools as follow: 1) The Boil and PeelVetiver Velum Kit by testing with suitable time 2) The Module Plaster Working by using Free Working 3) The Satisfaction Assessment Questionnaire developed from agriculturist group and academic group to design products.
According to result , it was found that the boil and peel velum root with leaves of Vetiver grass process can apply with boiling of Sodium Hydroxide and salt for totally 50 minutes. Then, it should wash and rub the Vetiver velum grass for being ready to dry. Later, it might be spun the velum to have characteristic as white silk cotton tree and then mixed with adhesive glue from PS plastic litter to dissolve in Benzine oil for totally1 day. According to product’s assessment result from new production development, there was the level of consumer satisfaction in =4.20,S.D.=0.45 or in the excellent level. Moreover, there was the level of experts and producers’ satisfaction in Huainamsai District , Chachoengsao Province with
=4.60,S.D.=0.55 or in the most level consisting of beauty satisfaction and specific uniqueness of Vetiva grass products’ process with new development and designing of work products with
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