A Follow-up of Professional Training for Students in Mechanical Engineering Technology Department, College of Industrial Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
Main Article Content
There were two main objectives of this research.The first objective was to analyze of the student trainees’ performances in Mechanical Engineering Technology Department, College of Industrial Technology at King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok in the perspectives of trainee mentors, university supervisory instructors, and trainees Another objective was to compare the follow up of the trainees in Mechanical Engineering Technology Department, College of Industrial Technology in the perspectives of trainees in Mechanical Engineering Technology Department classified by 4 groups of student. Include, First group of students is Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering Technology field of Machine manufacturing (MDET(M)) and Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering Technology field of Machine design (MDET(D)), Second group of students is Tools and Die Engineering Technology field of Plastic Dies (TDET(P)) and Polymer Engineering Technology, Third group of students is Tools and Die Engineering Technology field of Plastic Dies (TDET(P)-2R) and Tools and Die Engineering Technology field of Metal Dies (TDET(D)-2R) and fourth groupof students is Mechatronics Engineering Technology. The target of this research were 105 enterprises trainers, 16 universitysupervisory instructors, and 210 student trainees. The data was collected by using questionnaire and data were analyzed byusing percentage, mean, and standard deviation F-test.
The result of this research were as follows::
1. The analysis of the trainees performances in Mechanical Engineering Technology Department in 5 areas including the management of academic institutions, the cooperation from the enterprises, the trainees knowledge, trainees skill, and trainees attitude in opinion of enterprise trainers and trainees had "high level". And in opinion of university supervisory instructors were found the management of academic institutions had "very high level" and "high level" in the other areas.
2. The comparison of the performances of the trainees in Mechanical Engineering Technology Department, College of Industrial Technology classified in 4 groups of student were found the performances of 4 groups of student in the perspectives of had significant different of 0.05 in second area. First, in term of the management of academic institutions shows the mean of first group of students (=3.95) higher than third group of students (
=3.74), and second group of students (
=4.12) higher than fourth group of students (
=3.82), and then third group of students (
=3.74), respectively. Second, in terms of the cooperation from the enterprises shows the mean of group of second group of students (
=4.26) was higher than third group of students (
=4.01). Moreover, third group of students (
=4.01) was less than the fourth group of students (
=4.29). Finally, the result shows that there was no different in terms of the trainees knowledge, trainees skill, and trainees attitude.
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"ข้อคิดเห็น เนื้อหา รวมทั้งการใช้ภาษาในบทความถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียน"
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