An Investigation of the Color and Density of Different Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Input Factors Using Image Processing Techniques

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วันเพ็ญ ผลิศร


The research used image processing technique to investigate the effect of color and density of different input factors when completing multiple choice answer sheets. The process consists of three steps: data preparation, recognition answer sheet and check answer. Additionally, the study examined the difference between the figures of the completed answer sheet and the true one for each specified position which iscalled ROI (region of interest). The efficiency of the processes was evaluated using 150 items of a five-choice answer sheet, a total of 720 sheets for the sample of the study. The accuracy of the program operation was tested using different styles of answer sheet completion, namely, answer sheet filled in by 2B pencils, blue - ink pens, black-ink pens, and red-ink pens. The results showed that the program works at an average of 92.47% accuracy for normal patterns and 88.89% accuracy for abnormal patterns. It was concluded that the process can be used efficiently. The color of choice for this procedure are black-ink pens and red-inks pen, which is accurate and efficient.

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How to Cite
ผลิศร ว. (2014). An Investigation of the Color and Density of Different Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Input Factors Using Image Processing Techniques. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(3), 19–25. retrieved from
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