A Development of an E-Learning Courseware on Using Logo Command Language for Grade 8 Students at Aranprathet School

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พัชรินทร์ ไชยบุบผา
กฤษณา คิดดี
ศิริรัตน์ เพ็ชร์แสงศรี


E-Learning courseware on using logo command was designed and developed to use for educational online media by using web technology and learning management system. Students can study documents and do the activities on e-Learning courseware by themselves. The purposes of this research were 1) to develop an e-Learning courseware on using logo command language for grade 8 students at Aranprathet School, 2) to compare pretest and posttest achievement scores of subjects learning with e-Learning courseware. The samples used in this study were 69 grade 8 students in 2014 academic year, Aranphathet School. Cluster sampling method was used to select 2 groups out of 8 groups of population. 

Instruments of research consisted of e-learning courseware, the quality questionnaire and multiple choices achievement test. This test comprised 30 items with the IOC between 0.60-1.00, the degree of difficulty between 0.38-0.80, and the degree of discrimination between 0.20-0.62 and reliability coefficient of 0.81. The result of this research found that:

  1. The quality was evaluated by the expert and found that the content was in a very good level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.75, S.D.=0.44) and media technique development was in a very good level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.62, S.D.=0.49).

  2. The efficiency (E1/E2) of the e-Learning courseware was 82.98/81.14.

  3. Achievement of students after learning with an e-Learning courseware on using logo command language for grade 8 students at Aranprathet School was significa

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How to Cite
ไชยบุบผา พ., คิดดี ก., & เพ็ชร์แสงศรี ศ. (2015). A Development of an E-Learning Courseware on Using Logo Command Language for Grade 8 Students at Aranprathet School. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(3), 252–258. Retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/124522
Research Articles


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