The effectiveness of environmental management of nava nakorn industrial estate in pathumthani province

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พระเจริญ บุญทศ
สุรินทร์ นิยมางกูร
บุญเลิศ ไพรินทร์


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the effectiveness of environmental management of Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate in Pathumthani Province, 2) to study the relationship between the environmental policy and the effectiveness of environmental management of Nava Nakorn Industrial estate in Pathumthani Province, 3) to study relationship between the environmental management and the effectiveness of environmental management of Nava Nakorn industrial estate in Pathumthani Province and 4) to study relationship between manufacturing cooperation and the effectiveness of environmental management of Nava Nakorn industrial estate in Pathumthani Province. The quantitative research was done by using a questionnaire for data collection from 400 selected employees by stratified random sampling. The statistical data analysis was done by using percentage, average, standard deviation, Pearson's correlation, and F-test.

The research results were :

  1. The total effectiveness of environmental management of Nava Nakorn Industrial estate was at the high level (x̄ = 3.62). When considering each aspect, it was found that every aspect  of the effectiveness of environmental management of Nava Nakorn Industrial estate (policy objective achievement, employee satisfaction, and social benefit) were at the high level.

  2. For relationship between environmental management in holistic view and  the effectiveness  of  environmental management  of  Nava Nakorn  Industrial  estate  in  Pathumthani Province, it was found that the environmental management in holistic view  of Nava Nakorn Industrial estate  had positive  significant relationship with the effectiveness of environmental management of Nava Nakorn Industrial estate at the .01 level of significance.

  3. For relationship between environmental policy, the environmental management, and the manufacturing cooperation  of Nava Nakorn Industrial estate and  the effectiveness  of  environmental management  of  Nava Nakorn  Industrial  estate  in  Pathumthani Province, it was found that the environmental policy, the environmental management, and the manufacturing cooperation  of Nava Nakorn Industrial estate  had positive  significant relationship with the effectiveness of environmental management of Nava Nakorn Industrial estate at the .01 level of significance.

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How to Cite
บุญทศ พ., นิยมางกูร ส., & ไพรินทร์ บ. (2015). The effectiveness of environmental management of nava nakorn industrial estate in pathumthani province. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 220–225. retrieved from
Research Articles


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