Computer - based skill Training on electronics circuit assembly

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นันท์นภัส สิทธิวัฒน์กุลธร
อรรถพร ฤทธิเกิด
ฉันทนา วิริยเวชกุล


The purposes of this research were 1) to examine the efficiency of a Computer-based skill training on electronics circuit assembly and 2) to study and compare the learning achievement of the subjects learning Electronic Circuit Assembly through the Computer-based skill training on electronics circuit assembly and the subjects learning the topic through traditional methods.

The samples of this research were 40 students selected by Simple Random Sampling from 100 first-year students in the vocational curriculum on Electronics at Chachoengsao Technical College, Thailand. The samples of the study were divided into 2 groups of 20 students, including an experimental group, instructed with the Computer-based skill training on electronics circuit assembly, and a controlled group, instructed with traditional methods.

The efficiency of the Computer-based skill training on electronics circuit assembly was obtained by the comparison of the sub-test and post-test scores on 80:80 criterion. In addition, a comparison of the learning achievement between the 2 groups was conducted using Independent Sample t-test.

The results of the study were as follows:

      1) The efficiency of the Computer-based skill training on electronics circuit assembly was considered efficient with the efficiency value of 87.33:86.45, in accordance with the required criterion of 80:80.

     2) The students in the experimental group, who were instructed with the Computer-based skill training on electronics circuit assembly, had significantly higher learning achievement than the students in the controlled group, who were instructed the lesson through traditional methods, with the significant value of 0.05.

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How to Cite
สิทธิวัฒน์กุลธร น., ฤทธิเกิด อ., & วิริยเวชกุล ฉ. (2015). Computer - based skill Training on electronics circuit assembly. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 185–190. retrieved from
Research Articles


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