The Relationship Between Learning Achievement and Predicitive Factors on The Learning Achievement of Agricultural Education Students at Faculty Of Industrial Education, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

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รุจิราพร พรมพันธุ์
พรรณิภา ศิวะพิรุฬห์เทพ


The objectives of this study were to study 1. agricultural education students learning achievement, 2. factors affecting the learning achievement, 3. the relationship between learning achievement and factors affecting learning achievement, and 4. the learning achievement prediction equation with factors  affecting learning achievement. The sample was 69 second year agricultural education students in 2012 academic year from Division of Agricultural Education, Faculty of Industrial Education, King Mongkut’s Institute  Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL). Correlation predictive research design was used for this study. The research instrument was questionnaire for investigating 12 variables :  student major,  learning achievement (grade point average (GPA)), relationship with friends, parents expectation, student discipline, student motivation, studying behavior, and attitude toward teaching career. Descriptive, correlation, and multiple regression statistics were used to analyse data. The result were 1. grade point (GPA) of 3 semesters was 2.73, male students had GPA of 2.66, and female students had GPA of 2.80,  2. GPA of basic subjects, basic teaching subjects, and agriculture subjects were 2.23, 3.41, and 2.94 respectively, 3. students attended faculty activity only sometimes, 4. student had moderate relationship with their friends, 5. parents had high expectation on student career and student continuing education, 6. students had high discipline and motivation in their study, 7. students had moderate level of studying behavior, and 8. students had the best attitude toward teaching career. There were 6 variables (basic subjects GPA, basic teaching subject GPA, agriculture subjects GPA, parents expectations, discipline, and motivation) significant related to learning achievement (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05). The results of using stepwise multiple regression to calculate prediction equation for learning achievement were revealed that there were 3 variables (basic subjects GPA, agriculture subjects GPA, and attitude toward teaching career) that could explain the student achievement variance 78%. That is, the basic subjects GPA (X3) could explain student achievement variance of 67%. Moreover, the agriculture subjects GPA (X5) could explain 8% more, and the student attitude toward teaching career (X12) could explain 3% more. The prediction equation was as follow : Y = 0.51 + 0.53 X3 + 0.21 X5 + 0.19 X12.

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How to Cite
พรมพันธุ์ ร., & ศิวะพิรุฬห์เทพ พ. (2015). The Relationship Between Learning Achievement and Predicitive Factors on The Learning Achievement of Agricultural Education Students at Faculty Of Industrial Education, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(1), 153–160. retrieved from
Research Articles


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