Creative Environmental Friendly Coloration System for Design

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กันยาพร กุณฑลเสพย์
เกรียงศักดิ์ เขียวมั่ง
ซังฮี คิม


The purposes of this research are (1) to study the color wisdom, (2) To analyze characteristics of the color originated from environment-friendly materials based on the principle of color wisdom, and (3) to apply the research results to the design

The main study highlights four concepts: (1) Thai color , color processes from books, related documents and community’s sages – traditional body of knowledge which is still existing,(2) being environment – friendly by studying the materials used for creating color in the study of the first issue,(3) the experiment on using the natural materials from the above study to create colors in order to find suitable ratios and physical characteristics for uses, and (4) applying the color from the experiment to commercial design.

The research results show that the color wisdom is a local folk art with unique identity. It can also be promoted and developed to use with the product beneficially in aspects of commercial creativity, identity promotion, and ability to reduce environmental impacts effectively.

These are in line with economic development and materials is beneficial and environment – friendly. The materials can be applied to create colors reflecting the way of life which links to cultural context and represent the identity.

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How to Cite
กุณฑลเสพย์ ก., เขียวมั่ง เ., & คิม ซ. (2017). Creative Environmental Friendly Coloration System for Design. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(1), 113–121. retrieved from
Research Articles


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