Development of Web Based Instruction for Review on Text Input and Create Table on Webpage
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The purposes of this research were to develop, determine quality and efficiency of Computer-Assisted Instruction and to compare achievement in Webpage Creating by Computer-Assisted Instruction via Internet to review on Text Adding and Table Drawing on Webpage between pre-test and post-test results. The sample for this research included 80 the third year students in Vocational Certificate level from 2 classes of Viboon Ram-Indra Business Administration Technological College for the first semester of the academic year of 2013 by cluster random sampling. The research tool were Computer-Assisted Instruction, quality determination questionnaire of Computer-Assisted Instruction and the achievement test, with the degree of difficulty were between 0.22-0.80, the degree of discrimination were between 0.20-0.80 and the reliability coefficient was 0.91.
The results of this research revealed that: 1) The quality of Computer-Assisted Instruction for review about the content was good level ( = 4.40) and the media production technique was excellent level (
= 4.57). 2) The efficiency of Web-Based Instruction for Tutoring was = 82.00 (E1) / 80.63 (E2). and 3) The posttest achievement score of studying with the Computer-Assisted Instruction for Tutoring were higher than the pre-test score at .01 significant levels,
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"ข้อคิดเห็น เนื้อหา รวมทั้งการใช้ภาษาในบทความถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียน"
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