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อตินุช ปิ่นเงิน
จิรันธรา ศรีอุทัย


This study investigated Thai EFL learners’ levels of metapragmatic awareness with an aim to assess the metapragmatic awareness of Thai EFL learners who had different levels of English language proficiency and experience. The participants in this study were four groups of Thai EFL learners whose levels of English language proficiency and experience differed. The research tool used was a pragmatic judgment task, consisting of twelve situations where apologies were provided for the participants to judge their appropriateness. It was found that different levels of metapragmatic awareness could be observed among the four groups of Thai EFL learners. The Thai EFL learners with high English proficiency and experience demonstrated the highest level of metapragmatic awareness. Moreover, those with high English proficiency and low experience exhibited the higher level of metapragmatic awareness than those with low English proficiency and high experience. The findings suggest that (1) the high level of English proficiency or the high level of English experience alone is not sufficient for enhancing metapragmatic awareness; and (2) English proficiency and experience are important factors in developing metapragmatic awareness among the English language learners.

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How to Cite
ปิ่นเงิน อ., & ศรีอุทัย จ. (2016). METAPRAGMATIC AWARENESS OF THAI EFL LEARNERS. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(2), 191–198. retrieved from
Research Articles


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