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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the success level of implementing the enterprise resource planning system to manage effectively, and 2) to study the relationships between implementation of enterprise resource planning system and organizational effectiveness of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Sample group of the research was 142 executives using an ERP system which selected by random quota. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. Statistical analysis consists of percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, the hypothesis testing was consists of correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.
The results of research found that; the success level of implementing the enterprise resource planning system of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand was at a high level (=4.00). The highest success level was information aspect. And the high success level was raw materials, financial, human resource and equipment respectively. And organizational effectiveness of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand which use ERP System, in the aspect of profits/losses was at a high level (
On hypothesis testing, the research found that, the difference of size and duration in implementing ERP System of the organizations did not direct relationships with organizational effectiveness, Implementation of enterprise resource planning system were positively related with organizational effectiveness at the significance level was .05. The variables that affected organizational effectiveness of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand used ERP System were Information (X1) Human resource (X2) Financial (X3) and Equipment (X3). All these variables could predict that implementing enterprise resource planning system to manage effectively of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand at 77.40%. The prediction equation as follows :
The prediction equation of raw scores was : Y / = -.975 + .431X1 + .384X2 + .361X3 + .106X4
The prediction equation of standard scores was : Z/Y = .344ZX1 + .292ZX2 + .288ZX3 + .131Z4
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